"The surgery procedures for cataract removal that Dr Sierra performed were the easiest I've ever experienced. Even better - I had no complications from this procedure for either eye. I didn't realize how much my vision had deteriorated over time. Now - I'm getting to enjoy vastly improved vision in my upper 70s and beyond, which includes the need to only wear glasses for close up work. Previously- I had to wear glasses for everything."

James V.


"If you are apprehensive about surgeries related to addressing and resolving your Fuch's Dystrophy, then please give Dr. Sierra the opportunity to explain the available treatments. I had severe Fuch's in my left eye and performed a DMEK procedure. The procedure was brief and within 6 weeks my vision was much better. Two years later, Dr. Sierra performed a DSO procedure on my right eye. It was very brief with a very quick recovery. The results have been spectacular for both eyes. Her care has been reassuring and professional. I wish I hadn't waiting so long to address my Fuch's. I see so much bettter and feel much safer while a riving. You can't go wrong with Dr Sierra."

John C.


"I was hit on my motorcycle head-on at approximately 55 mph by a motorist that had run a red light. My accident left me in a coma for just under a year, I woke up with a traumatic brain injury, missing my right eye, half my skull is now titanium, and my legs from the knees down are a combination of titanium and cadaver bone. It’s important to me that you know I am doing well and have had tremendous success with recovery thanks to all the beautiful people at UC Davis Hospital and my amazing family. At the time of my accident, I was a firefighter due to the trauma and the loss of my right eye I wasn’t able to return to work, luckily I’m a carpenter as well and am able to operate and run my own company. My left eye was severely damaged as well making work and common activities very difficult and I was very afraid to allow anyone to touch it. When I met with Dr Wu, he expressed his concerns and hesitations, this instantly made me more comfortable with him. Dr Wu talked me through the whole procedure giving me all the info I needed to make the decision for myself, he has a very confident yet humble nature to him, and because of it I decided to go ahead with the procedure and everything came out awesome. I’d also like to show appreciation for his staff they are all very kind and helpful, I came across several over the months and they have all been the best making my experience an all-around good one. There are more opportunities for me when it comes to my vision I look forward to Dr Wu and his staff helping me through these, from the bottom of my heart I truly thank you."

Arthur B.


"Dr. Lee and his staff were excellent in my PRK treatment. I was guided step by step on my overall vision outcome. After surgery I was given thorough instructions how my vision would fluctuate and not to be alarmed. After the two-month recovery period I was able to get the desired 20/20 vision. Every step of the way all my concerns and questions were answered efficiently by Dr. Lee and his staff."

Jason S.


"My life was a complete BLUR. I couldn’t even see the sunshine. Dr. Sierra changed my whole life and with this surgery, I can see the world now. I can look for employment as well as see my grandkids. I am very very appreciative of Dr. Sierra’s work she has done a job well done. I encourage EVERYONE who needs cataract surgery to get it done, it is a total miracle within itself."

Tamara K.


"I had Cataract surgery by Dr. Patricia Sierra recently. The results are amazing. I have the highest praise for Dr. Sierra and her staff. All are friendly and helpful and have the ability to make you feel like a “real” person instead of just a patient. I recommend the trifocal implant as well and have had no pain or problems with both eyes. Thank you Dr. Sierra."

Connie M.


"Do Not Be Afraid… Get your eyes fixed….. 5 STARS

I'm 66 y.o. male and my eyes were rapidly becoming cloudy, making it difficult to see even with my fancy prism no line bifocal glasses. I went to the optometrist who informed me that I needed to go see Sacramento Eye Consultants for possible cataract surgeries. I saw Dr. Liu in the Lincoln office who confirmed the surgical need and told me the surgery coordinator, Melinda, would be in touch with the dates, etc. probably in a couple of weeks. Melinda called me the next week. She had everything ready, explained the details, calmly answered my questions, which left me feeling a lot less anxious than before. We had more than one conversation, which helped me tremendously. I am alone and have to take care of myself and I was worried I would screw up. A couple of notes; I have to live with severe ADHD and mild to moderate OCD, which causes me great distress when a spot or smudge appears on my glasses. I actually hate having to wear glasses. My eyes had become so misaligned that I would become woozy and have to lie down or I would pass out, meaning that I had no choice but to wear glasses all the time.

While waiting for my turn and becoming more and more anxious, Melinda spoke with Dr. Liu and were able to rearrange schedules, I had my right eye done shortly after. Very nervous, I arrived at the hospital hoping I wasn’t making a mistake. Dr. Liu’s demeanor gave me confidence that I would be ok. Yippee. The next day was unique because my right eye was seeing clearly but the left seemed like I was looking through a faded, yellow plastic lens. I spent the next two weeks following directions about eye drops, hoping I was doing things right.

Now, here’s the good part, the day after my left eye was done, I was at the office close to Arden Fair Mall, receiving post op care and I noticed that I could see just one of everything and didn’t become woozy. Tears started running down my cheeks, I began crying with extreme joy and luckily, Melinda was around and she gave me a hug which helped so much. I am still in a state of disbelief, 3 months later. Like I said at the top, A Life Changing Experience!

I also want to compliment Dr. Liu’s surgical staff at the hospital. The procedures were done quickly and with no pain. Everyone knew exactly what they were doing and were very efficient.

I could not believe how much brighter and clearer that world had become and I didn’t have to wear glasses!!! I would offer two caveats, be prepared when you look in the mirror for the first time, holy smokes, not good… and my entire wardrobe needed attention as I had been matching colors which didn’t match, when I thought I was looking sharp, nope! I can now sit and watch television without glasses. I can even read the small icons. I don’t have to have glasses for driving. I do use reading glasses though as I am on Medicare, without funds for the premium lenses, but, hey, I am thrilled to be able to wake up and see things clearly without finding my stupid glasses.

The day after my second procedure, was one of the best in my entire lifetime, still is Do Not Be Afraid."

​​​​​​​Kelly G.


"I felt that the overall experience was amazing. I never felt any doubt after talking to the doctor and the team was amazing. I was always informed of any and all information. Now I don’t need to worry about glasses or contacts for the next 30 to 40 years. Doctor Sierra and her team are great people and I feel that I can trust them with my vision. I can’t thank them enough for how great I feel now that I no Longer need glasses or contacts."



"My experience as a patient at Sacramento Eye Consultants went extremely well. All the nurses and Dr. Sierra were very friendly. They were also very informative. All in all, I am very happy that I decided to get ICL."

Cathy K.


"Completed the pre-surgery items required with the staff and then had the consult visit with Dr. Sierra wherein we decided the Toric lens was appropriate for my issue. We scheduled the time and date for the procedure. Everyone and everything was professional and efficient from the time entered the office until the time I left. I feel very comfortable regarding the upcoming cataract surgery."

Dennis M.

"My mom and I are very grateful and thankful for Dr. Liu because after having surgery my mom is able to see more and have a better eye sight. We are both very happy with Dr. Liu's skill and care."


“Dr. Liu recently performed both my laser and cataract surgeries.

At all times Dr. Liu is thorough, thoughtful and conscientious. He listens to your concerns and answers any questions that arise.

Thank you Dr. Liu for your excellent ongoing care.”

Marilyn J.

“After a very selective search for an Ophthalmologist who I felt confident with based on their educational background and specialized training, I found Dr. Xiongfei Liu.

For a few years I have been experiencing foggy and out of focus vision of both eyes. Dr. Liu confirmed I had cataracts of both eyes. Upon discussing lens replacement and procedural options with Dr. Liu, I elected to have him perform laser Cataract Surgery with Premium Multifocal Lenses. Crystal clear vision was restored within minutes. I did not experience any post surgical discomfort. Now, just a week after my second eye procedure, I could not be more pleased with the outcome of Dr. Liu's efforts. I can now see extremely well while driving at night, and daytime colors are more vibrant.

The surgical procedure of each eye was easier then a visit to the dentist. After being admitted, various eye drops are introduced to the surgical eye, then an Anesthesiologist administered just the right amount of medicine to make me feel relaxed without putting me to sleep. I was then comfortably positioned under the laser and noticed what seemed to be a small orange light. The complete procedure lasts only 15-20 minutes and was painless. Dr. Liu followed up with me and I was released. I met with him the following morning for an examination of his successful handiwork.

I appreciate and wish to thank Dr. Liu, the entire staff of Sacramento Eye Consultants and the Sacramento Surgical Center for their diligence, caring, and for seeing me through the few steps it took to restore my vision back to childhood quality.”

Steven H.

“ Two days ago, I had my final checkout with Dr. Sierra after undergoing cataract surgery in both eyes. In a way I was sad the process was over as I will miss Dr. Sierra and so many people on the wonderful staff. Like many people, this undertaking was not one I was looking forward to. Frankly, I was terrified. The kindness, efficiency and "bedside manner" of everyone exceeded my expectations. Dr. Sierra thank you for being you and Wendy thank you for your incredible follow thru.

Carol B.

“ I had a lens replace in my other eye by another surgeon elsewhere. My experience with Dr. Samuel Lee and his staff was much more superior! They provided the most thorough eye exam and analysis that I have ever experienced! My next appointment was the actual surgery to place the new lens. The process was quick, precise, and painless. Now, I have clear vision!​​​​​​​ ”

Michael G.

“ Andrea and Dr. Lee were amazing. Due to the sensitivity of my condition, my primary care optometrist recommended I come down and see them. Dr. Lee adjusted his schedule to make sure I was seen right away and Andrea made me as comfortable as possible. Thank you both for everything.

Chris P.

“A continuing Thank You to the doctors and staff of Sacramento Eye Consultants.

No matter the circumstance or level of activity everyone takes the time to ensure your situations is addressed in a timely matter and taken care of.

Thank you for your excellent care.

Marilyn J.

“ My experience with this practice has been amazing. Again, let me say amazing. Doctor Sierra’s certified assistant is one of the greatest people; she and Dr. Sierra are what human kindness is about. My surgery felt like there was nothing to it. I was up and around in two days, seeing things I had not seen in ages. The first thing I saw when I looked in the mirror was all the wrinkles I had not seen in years. Then, I went outside and experienced all the beauty of the world. Dr. Sierra is an amazing and gifted doctor. I thank Dr. Sierra and her staff with all my heart.​​​​​​​ ”

Helen D.

Dr. Sierra,

​​​​​​​When I saw you for the first time I recall you saying that my relative youth and high level of activity made me a perfect candidate for [cataract] surgery -- that I'd love having the good vision cataract surgery would provide me. I am thrilled with the surgery results (no more contact lenses, no more corrective lenses at all -- neither distance nor mid-range nor reading glasses, clear vision even in low light).

In the past, before my cataract surgery, I would have been completely blind in the low light, and I'd either have tripped and fallen on poor pavement or would have had to slowly walk, taking great care where I placed my feet -- both of which are terrible options. Instead, with my new lenses, I [have] none of those problems. Even in the near pitch darkness, I could make out enough to see where to put my feet without falling.

In the past, that floodlight would have blinded me with glare; it would have been like a row of headlights coming toward me on a single-lane road at night, turning everything into a white blob of reflected light. With my new lenses, the floodlight was actually helpful -- it threw off enough light that I could clearly see where I was going for a few hundred feet. I remember thinking at the time, "I have to tell Dr. Sierra how amazing this is, to be able to see clearly in situations that would have completely blinded me before!"

Again, thank you SO much -- not only for giving me my vision back, but for giving it back to me when I was/am young enough to use it. ”

Eileen N.

This past Monday, September 23rd, I had my second and final cataract surgery, which was performed by Dr. Richard Lewis. I am extremely happy with the results and am amazed by how the world around me now appears. Prior to these surgeries, the world always had a yellow tinge to it. On a clear sunny day, I assumed this yellow coloring was just smog. Now the sky is bluer, clouds whiter and the trees are greener. My wife and I just completed a remodeling of our home. The colors we selected for the various rooms now appear a bit brighter than before. Every color around me is more vibrant. Even now as I sit here writing this, while looking out the window, I am grateful to be able to see our neighborhood, and city, with such clarity. I cannot wait for the fall season.

I cannot recall how I was referred to Dr. Lewis, but regardless of how, I was very fortunate to have him there to monitor the progress of my eyesight for the past several years and to perform these surgeries. He has always been patient, even when I ask the most insane questions. Hopefully, he can continue to be my doctor. ”

Michael K.

Last August, I had cataract surgery and became blind in my left eye. I was referred to Dr. Patricia Sierra, and she diagnosed it as Fuchs, an eye disease inherited from a parent. She also found Fuchs disease in my right eye at the time. I had my first corneal transplant in October, followed by cataract surgery on my right eye in January and a corneal transplant in February.

Thanks to Dr. Sierra and the wonderful in-office staff, I now need glasses only for reading after many years of needing them for distance as well. She has not only given me back my sight but a better quality of life. ”

Earl K.

“ Dear Dr. Lewis,

I’d like to thank you for the extra time and effort you put into providing excellent care for me during and after my cataract surgery. I truly appreciate your openness to hearing my concerns, and especially your willingness to be available anytime to deal with my post-operative issues.

Thanks to Dr. Sierra and Carrie, as well, for their support and teamwork – they made a big difference. My favorite birthday gift this year was the ability to see well out of an eye that had become nearly useless to me.

Thank you again for having the skill and confidence to make this possible. ”

Jill N.


I cannot adequately show nor express my gratitude for the recent cataract surgeries on both of my eyes.

I came this week for an eye examination and vision exam. It has been over 5 weeks now since the first surgery and just 3 weeks since the second one. I still wake every morning and look across the room and out the windows, seeing clearly, and feel amazed by how miraculous this process has been.


To see instantaneously after the surgery is hard to describe to anyone who hasn’t known the limitation of cataracts. You know your eyesight has slowly gotten worse, but we are amazing creatures in our ability to adjust. Practically in the blink of an eye your vision has become clear and the fog of the cataract is gone.

As an artist seeing color is essential to what I do. It has been like standing in the fog and having a sudden breeze quickly clear it all away to reveal a beautiful sunshine filled day. As I look at the colors of everything I am filled with gratitude and joy. My own work has come alive again, as I see the colors fully. I thought my work had grown somewhat dull, but it was only my eyes that had grown dull.

We live in the middle of our lovely walnut farm near the Sutter Buttes. I love being here. The clarity of my vision is truly astounding and I stop many times each day and just appreciate the gift by enjoying the view. We love to travel and I cannot wait to see our next destination with my new sight.

The new technology and the new lenses available are wonderful. I was amazed to learn about the 3-D technology and grateful to see that it offers such physical relief to doctors who use it. One of my favorite dentists had to give up his practice due to the damage to his neck caused by the constant hunching over his patients. To find out the problems are similar in this surgical procedure was very interesting and I am so happy that the new technology does so much for the patient and helps the doctors to do this with much less stress on their shoulders, neck and back.

Thank you, Dr. Lewis, for all the careful monitoring of my eye health by you and your staff, and for this wonderful outcome. I pray you feel as rewarded by what you do as I do by what you did.

Sincerely and with a heartfelt gratitude,

Cheryl J.

Dear Dr. Sierra,

Just a note to thank you so much for the wonderful cataract surgery you did for me. Your professionalism, skill and friendliness are all a delight. I’ll always be grateful for the great work you did on my eyes. Best Wishes & Good Luck to you in your continuing career! ”

Phyllis H.

Dear Dr. Sierra,

I apologize for being so late in writing but I have been having such a wonderful time with my “new” vision and getting a lot of things done that I had postponed earlier. Even without my new prescription I could see so much better that I sometimes forgot that I even needed new glasses. Now with my new glasses my vision is back to where it was many years ago before Fuchs took over.

I am certainly pleased that the surgery went so well and the recovery time so short. My prior corneal transplant required a full year for vision recovery. What a difference this new procedure makes! My Fuchs is a thing of the past!

Thank you so much for being my eye surgeon. You have a great skill and I have benefited from it. I have enjoyed knowing you and found your nursing and clerical staff to be professional but so very pleasant and accommodating to me that my visits were a pleasure. ”

Arthur J. Henning, MD


I had heard about LASIK but was very hesitant to allow anyone to perform a procedure that was not reversible. Finally, in 2006, after wearing contact lenses for 45 years, I got up my courage and made an appointment to see Dr. Grutzmacher. I was sure I would not qualify as my correction was so great and because of my age, which was 63. I was one of those who could not read the “Big E” on the eye chart! Happily, the doctor assured me I had more than enough cornea to perform the procedure. The surgery was incredibly simple and quick with no pain afterwards. I couldn’t believe that something so critical to me was performed so easily and was so trouble-free! All my worries for nothing!

My vision steadily improved over a month’s time. I now have 20-20 vision and can read without aid for the first time in my life.

I still marvel at the miracle of LASIK. I am privileged to swim and shower without fear of losing a lens, to get up in the night without tripping over the dog and to suffer no pain when driving on a dusty road. I no longer fear losing a lens when reaching for weeds under plants in my garden. My life has truly changed with this surgery. I most earnestly recommend that everyone with a vision problem go for an evaluation with the professional staff at Grutzmacher & Lewis. I’m so glad I did.

Patricia M.


Hi, my name is Tarra K. and I received LASIK from Dr. Grutzmacher. To me, that was one of the best things I could have done in my life. Before getting the surgery, I had to fight with contacts in the morning and glasses at night. Wow what a difference. We are a real active family with water sports and softball. My daughter is gone all the time with softball and being able to see her hit that winning run is priceless. No more contacts on the lake is a wonderful thing. If you are considering doing this it is a wonderful opportunity and Dr. Grutzmacher and his staff are the best. You can feel safe and warm in their hands and they make you feel like family. ”​​​​​​​

Tarra K.

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1515SacEye none 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Closed Closed optometrist # # # 1515 Response Road Sacramento, CA 95815 2295 Fieldstone Drive, Ste 140 Lincoln, CA 95648 1615 Creekside Drive Suite 110 Folsom, CA 95630